In de neus framboos en bosgrond, met licht peperige tonen op de achtergrond. De mondinzet is fruit gedomineerd (framboos, pruim), door een aangename mineraliteit geflankeerd. In het midden een zweem van thee en witte peper. De soepele tannines en ontwikkelingsaroma’s maken de wijn in deze fase interessanter. De wijn is verteerbaar en toont voldoende diepte om overtuigend te zijn’. Een elegante, fruit gedomineerde Crozes, soepel en aangenaam. [oktober 2021]
John Livingston/ ” The bouquet still has a little way to go, shows a low-level grilling, raspberry fruits, some saltiness. It is safely broad. The palate is well-juiced, runs liberally with that asset, and the close is also full of fruit. There are mineral touches in this, which elevate it above the herd, giving it poise and purity. It’s a wine for a thoughtful occasion more than a ribald party. I like its detail. [November 2017]
Joe Czerwinski/Wine Advocate: “A bit closed at the moment, the 2016 Crozes Hermitage Cuvee Gaby is earthy and cedary on the nose, reticent to show off too much fruit. But it’s medium to full-bodied on the palate, with supple tannins, a creamy mouthfeel and lush, plummy fruit, finishing with hints of baking spices.” [December 2018]
Jancis Robinson: 16,5+/20